The RSPA requires all certified members to meet a continuing education requirement in a 3-year period (international members and those 65 or older are exempt). The time period coincides with the date you completed the certification exam or reinstated your membership. Please login to My RSPA to check your Professional Development Program end date to see when your credits are due.

As of January 1, 2021, the RSPA education guidelines and requirements have changed:

  • The education credit formula has changed to 1 hour = 1 credit. Additional credits will be offered for RSPA face-to-face events and new certification workshops.
  • The education requirement has changed to 15 credits every three years.

What does this mean for existing and new RSPA members? (International members and those over the age of 65 are exempt)

  • RSPA certified members with a continuing education requirement period starting on Jan. 1, 2021, and ending on Dec. 31, 2023, are now required to earn 15 credits to maintain their membership. This requirement will apply to all subsequent continuing education periods.
  • RSPA certified members with an education period ending on Dec. 31, 2021, or Dec. 31, 2022, will continue with the prior credit requirement (which is now 12 credits with the formula change) until their current education period ends. The new education requirement of 15 credits every three years will begin once their current education period ends.
  • As of Jan. 1, 2021, the education report card reflects the new credit system. To check your continuing education period and status, access your education report card here.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at 407-634-3050 or

If the requirement is not met, you will have your membership suspended. To help you meet that goal, RSPA provides hundreds of hours of education every year in the form of conferences, workshops, webinars, and more. is an excellent resource for free education opportunities. Please note that courses are eligible for credits one time.

In addition, the 
Coach Youth Tennis website offers 6 free online courses that earn a 1 education credit each (you do not need to complete the online workshop unless you are completing your RSPA certification). Please note that courses are eligible for credits one time.