How to Prepare for Coronavirus

Dear Members, 

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the USTA on April 3 recommended players take a pause from playing tennis. In response, the USPTA agreed that our coaches and teaching professionals should also take a break from teaching during this time.

Yesterday, the USTA outlined new guidelines regarding playing tennis again with certain recommendations to ensure player safety. We, the USPTA, agree with these new protocols, as we also believe that our members (who are in Phase 1 Geographic Regions) can resume playing tennis and coaching at this time. However, we strongly encourage our members to follow the recommendations of the CDC, state and local governments, the USTA, and the USPTA “Re-Opening Best Practices” that can be found in the list to the right.
Facility and Programming Recommendations
Player Tips and Recommendations

We realize how difficult this situation has been on the majority of tennis teaching professionals across the country. The safety of tennis players, the students of our members, and our members themselves have been and will continue to be the number one priority during the shutdown and the reopening of our facilities. As things begin to ease in various parts of the country, let’s continue to be mindful of this priority and not lose sight of what is most important.

Thank you for your support of the USPTA. The day is coming when our professionals can get back to doing what they love doing, more than anything else.  


Feisal Hassan
USPTA President