The Supplemental Savings Program will feature a vendor-supported savings plan, with select vendors providing concessions to the RSPA for the benefit of participating member pros. Payments will be made on a quarterly and annual basis to member accounts.° These contributions will be considered taxable income. The following vendors are participating in the program:

Tennis Warehouse  - 5% on the purchase of Adidas footwear and apparel for pro shops once $750 is spent per year (not for personal use)

10-S Tennis Supply - 4% contribution on nets, court equipment, and Aer-Flo Tuffy windscreens

Har-Tru - 3% on all ball equipment

Nyberg, Fletcher & White  - 3% back on all purchases made

Revo Eyewear - 3% back on all purchases made

ICL Academy – 5% of all tuition paid

Putterman Athletics – 4% on all products

RacquetDesk – 5% of all club management software purchases

Revo Eyewear – 3% back on all purchases made

SES Lighting – 1% of all products

Sports Interiors – 4% on all products

String Ping – 5% of all subscriptions

Supplemental Savings Plan is used as a vehicle to deposit the contributions from vendors.  In this account, funds will be taxed under the Internal Revenue Code.