Harry Hopman is known throughout the tennis industry as the most successful Davis Cup captain, leading the country of Australia to 16 World Championships from 1939-1967. Hopman inspired a slew of Australian tennis greats, including players like Mal Anderson, Ashley Cooper, Roy Emerson, Neale Fraser, Rex Hartwig, Lew Hoad, Rod Laver, John Newcombe, Tony Roche, Mervyn Rose, Ken Rosewall, Frank Sedgman, and Fred Stolle. Hopman was known on the ATP World Tour for capturing the 1929 and 1930 Australian Men's doubles title alongside Jack Crawford and 4 mixed doubles titles. After consecutive years of success in the Davis Cup, Hopman moved to the United States in 1969 and became a highly successful tennis-teaching professional at the Port Washington Tennis Academy in New York. He later moved to Largo, Fla., with his wife Lucy and opened the Hopman Tennis Academy and lived in the city until his death in 1985